Monday, April 17, 2017

OUGD501 - Module Self Evaluation

Overall, I have found this to be one of the most enjoyable modules on this course so far, mainly because I was able to research a lot into technology, marketing strategies and statistics - areas that I knew little about when starting this year. As I have never considered marketing as a career choice before, it was fascinating to learn about digital marketing, data, social media and the possibilities online. This is definitely one area that I would like to continue researching into in Level 06 to see if it is a potential career path I could work towards. It was for this main reason that I chose the technology question for my research proposal for next year.

Whilst I enjoyed this module I struggled quite badly at the start of the year to find a question that I thought suited me and my practice. Now that I have completed the essay, practical and research proposal fully however, I feel much more confident and am determined to settle on a question that I will stick to at the start of Level 06. Whilst dissertations are a lot more work I think that I now find the process of handling more substantial projects easier to handle. Next year, I am going to try and manage my time better with a weekly plan.

All in all I think that this module went well. I am proud of the practical outcome produced and think that it does quite strongly link to the argument and themes covered in the essay. If I could have improved anything I would definitely have planned my time better at the start of the year.

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