Friday, January 19, 2018

OUGD601 - Module Evaluation

This module has been very challenging; however, I have thoroughly enjoyed investigating into areas that interest me personally and areas that are not always associated directly with Graphic Design. Coming in to this year, I wanted to learn more about marketing, which is why I mainly focused my dissertation question on it. As I DJ in my free time, I have to constantly keep up with social media - particularly the advertising side of things. This requires a knowledge of constantly evolving marketing tools and strategies; therefore, being able to investigate into it in more depth has been great for improving my knowledge, not only in terms of my DJ work, but in terms of my practice as a whole.

Alongside marketing, I wanted to try and use this year to further enhance my motion graphics skills. Because I focused on social media, the chance to create some motion outcomes seemed like a great opportunity. I think that the practical side of the project taught me about how to be efficient with 2D motion graphics, as producing outcomes at a similar standard last year would have taken me much longer. Whilst I feel confident with 2D work, I aim to experiment with 3D more this year, so that I can include a variety of motion work in my portfolio.

Using the SmartSheet website to create a time plan is something that I have never done before; however, it made tracking deadline dates and upcoming tutorials much much easier. My time management in this module was very efficient because of it, therefore, I am going to use it in other modules this year to plan ahead and be as organised as possible. It has been a real challenge to come to terms with the independence factor of 3rd Year; however, after completing my dissertation and practical, I feel that I am now confident in handling, and organising, projects.

If I could have done anything differently in this project I would have liked to have worked with a coder to physically make the app. Animations and the workings could have been more intricate and fun if I did so; yet, due to the time I had available, it would have taken too long to produce the outcome. I am going to try and get in touch with Drinkaware and the ASA to see whether the work produced could be of interest to them. If they are interested, I will definitely look into possibilities of collaborating with a coder and illustrator.

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