Wednesday, January 10, 2018

OUGD601 - Practical - UX & App Design Research

To inform the app outcome I needed to research into guidelines and useful information when designing for mobile devices. Apple sum up some very useful points that informed some of my design choices:
  • Formatting Content - Create a layout that fits the screen of an iOS device. Users should see primary content without zooming or scrolling horizontally.
  • Touch Control - Use UI elements that are designed for touch gestures to make interaction with your app feel easy and natural.
  • Hit Targets - Create controls that measure at least 44 points x 44 points so they can be accurately tapped with a finger.
  • Text Size - Text should be at least 11 points so it's legible at a typical viewing distance without zooming.
  • Contrast - Make sure there is ample contrast between the font color and the background so text is legible.
  • Spacing - Don't let text overlap. Improve legibility by increasing line height or letter spacing.
  • High Resolution - Provide high-resolution versions of all image assets. Images that are not @2x and @3x will appear blurry on the Retina display.
  • Distortion - Always display images at their intended aspect ratio to avoid distortion.

In terms of icons, an IOS template was used. For other devices, further research would need to be made.

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